Mark from PEAK sat down with 10th Planet Jiu JItsu Melbourne's FRANK BARCA to discuss pretty much everything and anything! Franks super positive attitude made for a great podcast.
BEN EDDY 10th Planet Black Belt. ABDOMINAL BREATHING TECHNIQUE. @The No Gi Summit in Koh Tao Thailand. (10th Planet Jiu Jitsu Koh Tao) "This is an over oxygenation breathing method, given many names, I like to call it Wim Hof or “breathe of ice” after the ice man Wim Hof who is pushing its uses. At the end of the breathing, once highly oxygenated. If you hold in your last big breathe and compress it into yourself, compress it into your spine and lower abdominal / root chakra area. Then you will blackout and come back to. Gently. Which will feel like a quick reset. Through breathe. I do this as a routine starting with breathe of fire. First getting all out. Then breathe of ice, taking all in. Then compression to reset. Breathe starts involuntarily to bring you back. Awareness slowly seeps back in. And you are back. Born anew in a small moment of no breathe, all breathe, off on" Ben Eddy